Dadvertising 2021: Philippines

Branding, marketing, and advertising to Pinoy dads in 2021. Read all about the insights you need in this report to help you target dads effectively in today’s age.


What’s Inside

Executive Summary


The world continues to progress and grow away from outdated mindsets. As societies change, the roles of men and women in these societies change along with it. Dads were once seen as the money makers of the household, while we perceive mothers as the caretakers of it. In the year 2021, these stereotypes continue to slowly fade away.

In general, this change is good for the progression of our society. We are finally beginning to step into a world where everyone is given equal opportunities. However, these changes mean different things for people in business and marketing. Since roles are changing, the way we do business are bound to change as well.

In this report, we study and explore the behaviour of dads and how much their roles in the household have changed. Now that the role of fathers is becoming more different, we also take a look at the best ways to advertise to dads in the year 2021.

Below are the highlights and questions answered in this report:

Demographic of the Dadvertising Report:

A total of 94 dads were interviewed for this report. The opinions of 604 moms were also collected to support the findings. All in all, 694 parents (ages 18 – 45) participated in the study.

Q: Are moms still the main caretakers of babies?

87% of moms and 88% of dads have stated that moms are still the main caretakers of babies. 12% of dads have stated otherwise. Moms are still indeed the main caretakers of babies, but this is proof that dads’ roles are slowly changing.

This is especially true because even though moms are the main caretakers of babies, dads are still expected to contribute a lot to the caretaking process.

Q: How do moms and dads take care of their children?

According to our findings, 60% of moms agreed that they lead when taking care of their babies but they expect dads to contribute while doing so.

Q: What are the typical activities of parents when raising their babies?

There are 4 regular activity categories that moms and dads do while raising their babies. They are 1) daily baby activities, 2) information search, 3) shopping for baby products, and 4) spending time with baby.

Under these categories, there are a total of 23 activities. To read more about these activities, please download the report to continue reading.

Q: Do dads change their babies’ diapers?

Our findings have found that 40% of dads change their babies’ diapers sometimes and 23% most of the time. Dads who help change diapers more often, help more than once a day.

Q: Do dads use theAsianparent app?

Our study has shown that 33% of dads visit theAsianparent app multiple times a day. On average, dads visit our app at least once a day?

When browsing theAsianparent app, dads like to read articles (92%) and participate in polls/surveys (57%) the most.

Q: What are dads’ roles in family purchases?

The majority of FMCG products to be bought for the family are still mostly decided by moms. However, dads are highly involved in the decision-making process when it comes to availing of “high-involvement services” such as toys & developmental tools, hospitals, and schools.

Download the report to continue reading and find more valuable insights!


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